Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver has been used for hundreds of years for its benefits which also include safeguarding the human body from harmful bacteria.
This is why we bring you our premium-quality Colloidal Silver which is formulated with pure and actively charged silver particles that provide a range of health benefits.
Colloidal Silver is known for its all-natural and power-packed ingredients, especially the positively charged silver ions that can boost your immune system and help it fight bacteria.
Our high-quality Colloidal Silver has an unprecedented particle size of 0.0008 microns which makes it easier for it to be converted to a charged silver particle inside your body. The smaller the silver particle, the greater the surface area and the better the absorption.
Our Colloidal Silver is free from any additives and is formulated to be completely safe for the entire family. Colloidal Silver can help you with:
- Promoting the immune system and helping it fight infections
- Supporting gut health and easing digestion – it also helps prevent stomach issues, Crohn’s disease, and diarrhea
- Eliminate inflammation, wounds, and sores
- Prevent infections like the common cold, and laryngitis
- Prevent toenail fungus and Athlete’s foot
Buy our Colloidal Silver today. This 80 OZ bottle of 30 PPM concentration lets you take fewer doses that provide high effectiveness. Based on the EPA reference dose, our Silver Colloidal could be safely taken two times daily for 70 years.